John Kaldawi- Spiritual Mantra

John Kaldawi was inspired by the various Spiritual Mantras available that brings various intended vibrations to the human body that is packed with life energies.  Mantra (which literally mean: “instruments of thought”) is a sacred utterance of words and sounds that has many spiritual powers.  The early Mantras were composed of Vedic Sanskrit language which goes back thousands of years into very early civilizations.  Mantras do not necessarily have a literal meaning, but are musically uplifting and have spiritual effects.

In Indian tradition, Mantra may come from RC (verses from Rigveda), or Saman (musical chants from Samaveda), or Yajus (words from Yajurveda), or Nigada (loud spoken Yajus).  Since early ages, Mantras took the center stage in the Tantric schools of India.

Doing more research, John learned that Mantras are neither unique to Hinduism nor to any other Asian or Western traditions.  Mantra is a structured formula for thoughts, a prayer, a sacred utterance and has supernatural power and effect.

John Kaldawi also learned that one of the most popular and effect Mantra is AUM Mantra, which is also known as “pranava mantra” which is the source of all mantras.  This mantra emphasize that before and beyond existence is only One reality “Brahma” and the first manifestation of Brahma expressed as AUM.  That’s why it is believed that AUM is the mother of all mantras.

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